▣ 한국 주요 의과대학의 세계 랭킹(2020)
- 상기 자료와 동일한 QS 세계 대학 랭킹에서 한국내 주요 의과대학의 순위를 선별
- 심사 기준이 “의학 및 생명과학”으로, 통상적인 “한국 대중의 의과대학 인지도”와 다를 수 있음
- 각 한국 의과대학과 유사한 등급으로 평가받은 유럽 의과대학을 함께 나열
- 해당 표에 언급되지 않은 독일/이탈리아/헝가리/폴란드/체코/루마니아 등의 의과대학은 각 급간에 분산되어 있음
- 한국/영국/미국 등과는 달리 유럽에서는 의료인이 졸업한 의/치/약대의 인지도 보다는 “수련 병원”이 더욱 중요
- 결론적으로, 다수의 독일/헝가리/이탈리아 의치약대의 세계적 인지도와 순위는 한국과 유사한 현실
2020 세계 의과대학 순위 | 대학명 | 동급 유럽 의대 |
32 | 서울대 | 독일 뮌헨, 독일 하이델베르크, 네덜란드 암스테르담 등 |
100 | 성균관대 | 스위스 베른, 스위스 로잔 등 |
116 | 연세대 | 독일 프라이부르크, 영국 리버풀 등 |
154 | 고려대 | 독일 하노버, 프랑스 몽펠리에, 아일랜드 더블린 등 |
217 | 경희대 | 이탈리아 토리노, 로마 카톨리카, 나폴리 페데리코 II 등 |
305 | 한양대 | 헝가리 세멜바이스, 이탈리아 파비아 등 |
365 | 서울 카톨릭대 | 이탈리아 밀라노 산 라파엘레, 밀라노 비꼬까, 바리 등 |
401-450 | 이대, 전남대, 중앙대, 부산대 | 헝가리 데브레첸, 체코 마사릭 등 |
451-500 | 충남대 | 헝가리 페치, 러시아 상트페테르부르크, 이탈리아 메씨나 |
Which medical school is good?
[Zürich] To give you a brief answer to the question above, here we found another ranking list that many of English-speaking students refer to, as an easy and intuitive understanding of “good or best” medical schools in Europe. However, to be fair enough, this kind of list is NOT one of the major interests to European university applicants, probably except for the UK students that are more influenced by different ranking systems as the US students refer to College Board ranking system and so on. Simply, it is far more important to European students where they complete the residency programs around Europe since it is even more frequent for them to study medicine in another country than their home countries.
The following list is announced by QS Top Universities (*all rights reserved by QS Top Universities ranking) – in the field of Life Science and Medicine as of 2020 and may or may not reflect the practical values for international applicants. Still, this ranking list will give you an intuitive answer to the question: which medical school is still good enough, compared to the ones in your country/region.
World Ranking 2020 | University | Country |
2 | Univ. of Oxford | UK |
3 | Univ. of Cambridge | UK |
8 | UCL | UK |
10 | Karolinska Institutet | Sweden |
11 | Imperial College London | UK |
18 | Univ. of Copenhagen | Denmark |
20 | King's College London | UK |
20 | Univ. of Edinburgh | UK |
33 | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | Germany |
33 | Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg | Germany |
33 | Univ. of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
41 | Univ. of Manchester | UK |
42 | Utrecht Univ. | Netherlands |
43 | Univ. of Zurich | Switzerland |
44 | ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology | Switzerland |
45 | Sorbonne Univ. | France |
49 | Univ. of Glasgow | UK |
51 | London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine | UK |
54 | Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam | Netherlands |
54 | Uppsala Univ. | Sweden |
57 | KU Leuven | Belgium |
58 | Wageningen Univ. & Research | Netherlands |
59 | Univ. of Bristol | UK |
60 | Univ. of Helsinki | Finland |
62 | Technical University of Munich | Germany |
63 | Universitat de Barcelona | Spain |
65 | Univ. of Basel | Switzerland |
69 | Univ. of Geneva | Switzerland |
70 | Leiden Univ. | Netherlands |
70 | Université de Paris | France |
73 | Univ. of Groningen | Netherlands |
75 | Univ. of Nottingham | UK |
77 | Lund Univ. | Sweden |
83 | Queen Mary Univ. of London | UK |
83 | Univ. of Milan | Italy |
86 | Aarhus Univ. | Denmark |
86 | Univ. of Birmingham | UK |
88 | Ghent Univ. | Belgium |
92 | Newcastle Univ. | UK |
94 | Alma Mater Studiorum - Univ. of Bologna | Italy |
97 | Univ. of Oslo | Norway |
97 | Univ. of Southampton | UK |
99 | Univ. of Lausanne | Switzerland |
100 | Univ. of Bern | Switzerland |
102 | Maastricht Univ. | Netherlands |
105 | Univ. of Gothenburg | Sweden |
106 | Medical Univ. of Vienna | Austria |
106 | Radboud Univ. | Netherlands |
110 | Trinity College Dublin, The Univ. of Dublin | Ireland |
114 | Università di Padova | Italy |
115 | Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg | Germany |
117 | Univ. of Liverpool | UK |
118 | Cardiff Univ. | UK |
118 | Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) | Belgium |
121 | Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen | Germany |
121 | EPFL | Switzerland |
123 | Univ. of Göttingen | Germany |
126 | Goethe-Univ. Frankfurt am Main | Germany |
127 | Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona | Spain |
128 | Univ. of Sheffield | UK |
131 | Universität Hamburg | Germany |
133 | Univ. of Leeds | UK |
135 | Sapienza Univ. of Rome | Italy |
140 | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn | Germany |
144 | Université PSL | France |
146 | Université Paris-Saclay | France |
150 | Univ. of Dundee | UK |
151 | Medizinische Hochschule Hannover | Germany |
154 | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Netherlands |
160 | Université de Montpellier | France |
160 | Univ. of Bergen | Norway |
163 | Technische Universität Dresden | Germany |
163 | Aix-Marseille Univ. | France |
169 | Univ. College Dublin | Ireland |
170 | Complutense Univ. of Madrid | Spain |
170 | Univ. of Aberdeen | UK |
174 | Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore | Italy |
180 | Univ. of Turin | Italy |
183 | Univ. of Cologne | Germany |
189 | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Spain |
192 | Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 | France |
195 | RWTH Aachen Univ. | Germany |
195 | Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster | Germany |
201 | Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg | Germany |
201 | Umea Univ. | Sweden |
201 | Univ. of Leicester | UK |
224 | Charles Univ. | Czech Republic |
227 | Univ. of Naples - Federico II | Italy |
231 | Stockholm Univ. | Sweden |
237 | Univ. of Lisbon | Portugal |
249 | Univ. of Porto | Portugal |
269 | Lomonosov Moscow State Univ. | Russia |
295 | Semmelweis Univ. | Hungary |
301 | Università degli Studi di Pavia | Italy |
315 | University of Rome "Tor Vergata" | Italy |
323 | Univ. of Coimbra | Portugal |
342 | Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele | Italy |
348 | Univ. of Milano-Bicocca | Italy |
389 | Univ. of Bari Aldo Moro | Italy |
401-450 | Univ. of Debrecen | Hungary |
451-500 | Masaryk Univ. | Czech Republic |
451-500 | Univ. of Szeged | Hungary |
451-500 | Saint Petersburg State Univ. | Russia |
451-500 | Univ. of Pécs | Hungary |
451-500 | Swansea Univ. | UK |
451-500 | Universidad de Sevilla | Spain |
451-500 | Università degli studi di Messina | Italy |
451-500 | Università degli studi di Napoli Luigi Vanvitelli | Italy |
451-500 | Università degli studi di Siena | Italy |
451-500 | Univ. of Crete | Greece |
451-500 | Univ. of Surrey | UK |